Hair Transplant In Bangalore

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore | Dr. Harini | Aesthetic International

For many Hair represents attractiveness and desirability, both personally and professionally. Studies show that 40% of men show signs of pattern baldness or thinning hair by age 35 and 65% by age 60. While roughly 50% of women will experience hair loss in their lifetime.

There are different causes of hair loss mainly are genetic or hereditary; nutritional deficiency; Lifestyle related; stress (physical or mental); smoking; Lifestyle; Dietary habits and stress are very important causative factors in millennials.

Apart from these there are some skin conditions which are important to be ruled out in cases of hair loss and also some diseases not related to skin can also cause hair loss. Which requires medical treatment than hair transplant.

Your surgeon will guide you properly if you are a candidate for hair transplant or not as early cases of hair loss can be reversed by medical therapy and on other hand few cases of baldness will not get benefit out of hair transplant. There are few conditions to rule out and type alopecia to be diagnosed for which hair transplant surgeon should assess you clinically.

Aesthetic International offers you the most advanced treatment whether it is hair thinning or other comprehensive scalp-related conditions for hair follicles and the scalp. With the expertise and experience carried by our staff, we help you overcome situations of hair thinning and loss that occur due to several susceptibilities on the scalp such as acne, dryness, etc. We are looked at as specialists in handling hair thinning, in Bangalore.
We use techniques that include laser therapy, FGFC, PRP, GFC, and QR678 to enhance natural hair growth to help you regain your confidence.


Hair Transplant procedure is done if:

• The patient’s hair has thinned considerably over time
• You have experienced massive hair fall and balding
• You have a receding hairline
• You have lost some hair from a burn or scalp injury/scar


• It can help to restore hair growth in areas where there is little or no hair.
• It can help to give the appearance of a fuller head of hair.
• It can help to improve self-esteem and confidence.
• It can help to give the illusion of a younger appearance.
• It is a relatively safe and effective surgical procedure.


Hair transplant is a procedure in which persons own hair are been transposed from one side to the area of baldness so that they can cover the bald area and grow naturally where they are been transposed.

There are two methods for this FUE Follicular unit extraction in which each graft is punched out individually and transplanted to new area

FUT Follicular Unit Transplantation in which strip of skin from back side of the head is cut and each follicle is separated and transplanted in new area.

After transplantation follicles develop their own blood supply from the blood vessels of new area in 5-7 days and once they have their own blood supply they can grow naturally.

Donor area: from where hair grafts are taken are Scalp; Beard and Body hair (chest mainly) they are always taken in such a way that area from where they are taken is also not obviously noticeable.

Following hair transplant it is advisable to undergo medical treatment and regenerative treatment for maintenance of hairs (existing and transplanted).


FUE: Follicular Unit Extraction: FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area of the scalp and grafting them into the recipient area. The procedure needs two operations: first, the surgeon harvests the hair follicles from the donor area; second, the surgeon transplants the follicles into the recipient area.

FUE doesn’t leave obvious linear scar on back of the head.

Follicular Unit Transplantation: FUT is a hair transplantation procedure in which a strip of hair-bearing scalp is removed and the individual hairs are then transplanted to the balding area. The first step in FUT is to remove a strip of hair-bearing skin from the back of the head. This strip is typically about 1-2 inches wide and 6-8 inches long. The skin is then dissected into individual follicular units, which are the natural groupings of 1-4 hairs.

The follicular units are then transplanted to the balding area of the head, where they will grow into healthy, permanent hair.

This method leaves a linear scar


• Out-patient procedure
• You may have some swelling, bruising & discomfort in the first 24-48 hours. This is only temporary and diminishes as the recovery proceeds.
• You can start your daily routine work from next day after the surgery and can go for a walk etc.
• Avoid sudden movements, lifting weights, etc., for approximately two week.
• Do not scratch or touch the transplanted area for at least two weeks
• Sleep with your head at an elevation for at least one week post surgery
• Avoid Wearing T Shirts
• Minimize consuming sugar and salt and drink plenty of fluids
• You need to wash your scalp using a gentle shampoo.
• It may take three to four days to completely recover from the procedure.
• In the month following the procedure, all the transplanted hair falls off.
• The hair begins to re-grow after a period of one or two months, at an average rate of 1cm a month.
• You would, therefore, be able to truly appreciate the results of the procedure after about 8-10 months.
• This hair would be permanent and you can shampoo, cut, style, dye or even color it!


• Some of the common side effects of a hair transplant procedure include bleeding, infection, swelling, bruising, itching, pain, numbness, and scar.
• It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon before having the procedure so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you.


In todays world of digitalisation and marketing it is very attracting to get a procedure from someone who is not qualified or underqualified to do that procedure.

Only way to avoid this is to see for the doctors qualification – (board certified plastic surgeon) and years of experience in Hair transplant, results and visit surgeon personally to understand if your Hair transplant surgeon understands your need.


• During your initial consultation, you will meet with the plastic surgeon and staff.
• Your previous surgeries, your medical history, medications you are presently taking, and your overall physical and emotional health will be reviewed.
• Your hair ,baldness pattern & grade of balding will be evaluated
• Photographs may be taken for your medical record.
• Your surgeon will determine what you benefit from most and whether or not additional procedures will be necessary for you to achieve your desired results.
• Recovery time, risks and limitations associated with surgery will be also be discussed.
• The doctor’s patient coordinator will review surgical costs and scheduling with you.


The most important thing about planning your Hair Transplant surgery is to choose the correct qualified Aesthetic plastic surgeon. More specifically, ensure that the chosen surgeon is routinely performing breast lift surgeries.


You must STOP the following medications approximately 2 weeks before surgery – blood thinners such as ecosprin, clopidogrel, warfarin etc, estrogen containing hormones, Vitamin E, ginseng, green tea, gingko balboa, garlic pearls, ayurvedic supplements.


It is imperative that you completely stop smoking for a minimum of 1 week prior to your planned date of surgery as it can significantly increase your risk for anaesthesia as well as delay wound healing and increase your risk for post-surgery complications.


You will be advised a set of routine pre-operative investigations to ensure that you are fit for anaesthesia and surgery.


Once you have decided to pursue a Hair Transplant surgery , Aesthetic international® stands ready to partner with you during this life decision.

We are dedicated to our patients and open communication is never compromised. The better informed our patients are, the better they are at making their decisions.

We believe in providing the highest patient care and through your assigned patient advisor, you can be sure every consideration is made to ensure your expectations are the same as the final results.

Aesthetic international® has the latest technological advances to ensure your satisfaction with your breast lift. Our plasticsurgeon is highly educated and trained in all of the latest medical advances.